For donations of $50 or more, we offer a gift of appreciation for your support.
Photo Credit: Scot Miller/
Your contribution will help preserve and protect Walden Woods for future generations and will assist The Walden Woods Project in meeting today's environmental challenges. Donations will support land acquisition and conservation, educational programs, research and library collections, and advocacy initiatives.
All donors will receive The WWP newsletter and updates about special events via email.
Planned Giving - You can help keep Thoreau's legacy alive by including The Walden Woods Project in your estate plan. Your bequest will further the protection of Walden Woods and foster the next generation of environmental stewards. Please include the following when making a bequest to The Walden Woods Project: Tax ID number: 95-4292658. You can consult our website for further information on our planned giving program. Go to
Gifts of Stock & Securities - Gifts of stock and securities can be made to The Walden Woods Project. There are tax advantages associated with giving stock, bonds, or mutual funds. It is best to check with your broker or accountant to determine if a gift of stock is the right option for you. For more information on Gifts of Stock and Securities, visit
The Walden Woods Project preserves the land, literature and legacy of Henry David Thoreau to foster an ethic of environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Project achieves this mission through the integration of conservation, education, research and advocacy.
Founded in 1990 by recording artist Don Henley, the Project uses the land it has protected in Walden Woods to foster an ethic of environmental stewardship and social responsibility, both cornerstones of Thoreau's philosophy.
Preserving and protecting the landscapes of Walden Woods and Thoreau Country in recognition of their worldwide literary, historical and environmental significance, and their capacity to motivate others to identify, study and protect the Waldens that exist in their own communities.
Providing innovative programs built on the philosophy of Henry David Thoreau and grounded in the land and historic resources of Walden Woods and Thoreau Country; programs that foster environmental literacy and social responsibility among students, educators and lifelong learners in the United States and around the world.
Maintaining the rich collections housed in the archives at The Walden Woods Project Library for scholars, educators, students and life-long learners to advance their understanding of the literature and legacy of Henry David Thoreau.
The Walden Woods Project advocates for the preservation of historic Walden Woods and Thoreau Country in Concord and Lincoln, Massachusetts, and for the broader, global environment.